Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is an ancient and effective protocol that forces collagen to grow from the deepest layers upward by stimulating the skin tissue via hair-thin acupuncture needles. This non-invasive procedure uses intradermal acupuncture needles (which are solid, not hollow), resulting in the erasure of fine lines, the reduction of deeper lines, and the firming of bags around the neck and eyes.
The Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation
- Improves collagen production and muscle tone
- Helps reduce bags and sagging tendencies
- Helps eliminate fine lines and diminish larger wrinkles
- Helps reduce double chin and lift drooping eyelids
- Reduces stress and promotes total health and well-being
- Tightens pores and brightens eyes
- Increases local blood and lymph circulation
- Improves facial color
- Improves metabolism